the podcast.

When life gives you lemons, just make lemonade! This proverb intends to encourage a positive attitude when faced with adversity. Although well intended - the message can quickly turn toxic.

Whatever the version of ‘it’ you’re confronted with, grief, sadness, sickness, depression, overwhelm, dispair, anxiety, loneliness or anger, folks want you to ‘just get over it’ - and fast!
It no longer seems to be a common practice to connect with people over long periods of time as they go through processes that don’t have a cookie cutter solution. Effectively this cultural attitude is forcing folks to deal with the impact of life events in solitude.

The social structure that determine individual actions expects people to be ultra-independent, to stay relentlessly productive, and to avoid a loss of control at all cost. Anything life throws at us is approached as a problem that can (and should!) be solved.
Some experiences we go through as humans do not have a quick fix though. When someone dies they are not coming back to us, some illnesses or disabilities simply cannot be cured and climate change is upon us. That reality doesn’t fit our society’s mold, which makes us uncomfortable.

People actively steer away from the discomfort of these so called ‘negative’ emotions. Being in close connection with a loved one that is faced with the ongoingness inherent of truly tough times, seems too intense for most. Friends and family can start to avoid contact all together. In an attempt to prevent further social isolation, for more and more people a sharing of lived experiences is outsourced to professionals.

The podcast No lemonade will be served here today rejects the tendency to sweep the hard stuff under the carpet. Let’s explore!
Because emotions simple are, they are neither positive nor negative. So there is a need for learning about practices of non-judgement when dealing with them. When guests come on the podcast to share their story, we get to witness what being human is like for them.

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no lemonade.


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