Basis voor Actuele Kunst

art in a time of interregnum

An advanced, interdisciplinary course designed for artists, curators, art theorists, academics, students, and professionals in the field of art and social change. This summer school begins from the understanding that ours is a time of interregnum - a time of crisis and ongoing transition. Much in the sense of political thinker Antonio Gramsci’s understanding of crisis, these times are rife with a “great variety of morbid symptoms” as ruling structures prove, in their grasping of “coercive force,” to no longer be sustainable, “the old is dying and the new cannot be born.”

As social, geopolitical, economic, and technological structures rapidly change, along with the unraveling legacies of western modernity, and with ongoing recompositions of class, global migration, and the endurability of the planet, so transform ideas, practices, and meanings of resistance, coming together, identity, activist and artistic practice, and collectivity and closeness - as well as the notions of artistic production the (art) institution, and the public. How, then does art relate to a contemporary as such? How to think art under such circumstances, and how to think about the contemporary with and through art in order to build space for envisioning ways of being together otherwise?

190720217 | Basis voor Actuele Kunst | NL


Art and practice in the otherwise.


The thinking body.