How does your body process information?
Personally, I like to chew on things. Familiarise myself with subjects that matter to me. Ask questions, about opinions that do not align with my own for example, to try and understand how folks got to thinking that way.

Also, I read a lot. And spend time imagining different perspectives, to shake up my own habitual thought patterns. And in order to commit to a continuous (un)learning, I need to really break down and study the context outside of my own situatedness. I want to digest rough material, slowly and meticulously. Much like a goat.

Unlike us humans, goats have stomachs with four compartments that are especially designed to help digest roughage. For ruminants one stomach just isn’t enough. They take their time to absorb nourishment. Very, very long intestines that are tightly packed in the abdomen, help take in nutrients and pass waste easily. A ruminants’ digestion process is extremely thorough; it involves swallowing, sorting, chewing, regurgitation, filtering and fermentation.

And then, after all that? Some more chewing! Goats do indeed spend a significant amount of time chewing, but they can’t while they’re active. They need a lot of down time to digest properly. Chewing - it’s essential to a goat’s health.

i am a goat.

a blog.



