* crip lexicon

* crip lexicon

A compilation of words that interpret
the embodied knowledge of disabled and sick folks.


compiling a Dutch crip lexicon, a curated collection of terminology pertaining to epistemic injustice and ableism translated into accessible Dutch as to offer an instrument for self-advocacy, crip culture literacy, and community building. Not in the way of oversimplifying information, as in ‘Jip en Janneke taal’ - this is a concept in the Dutch speaking context that denigrates folks who haven’t had the privilege of developing an extensive vocabulary, while ignoring the complex embodied knowledges of their lived experiences that are on their way to being articulated.

For this lexicon, creative approaches to language relating to disability are envisioned, since a lot of embodied experiences pertaining to said identity have negative concepts to describe them, as such this ‘body of words’ will come about by cripping, inventing and ‘tasting’ them. Transcripts of interviews with disabled women about their experiences in healthcare will be complimented by images, poems, and data visualization. The lexicon becomes a tactile prompt to re-imagine collective language and culture. An accessible digital architecture could facilitate the development of vocabulary over time.

you have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world.
and you have to do it all the time.

Angela Davis




TtNY: Art as Public Practice